Post by Callà on May 29, 2012 20:02:25 GMT -6

Name: Achak
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 5 and 1/2
Achak is a noble and accepting male. He understands most, if not all, females and will protect his pride with his life. He will try to avoid a fight, and tries to make friends when possible. Achak swore to himself that he would never become like his commanding father, but he does expect his pride members to follow pride rules, or else he will have to unmask a dark side.
Speaking of dark side, don't mess with this male or any of his pride. He fiercly protects his land and females, and he isn't afraid to kill if either are threatened. He will stand up for what is right and use claws and teeth to get his point through.
But, once he takes a liking to you, Achak can be a very nice boy. He does have a flirtatious side, but he likes to reserve that for special females.
Achak is a heavily-built male. He is just as strong and as big as any other male. His muscles will send ripples through his pelt with every movement.
Achak has course, somewhat smooth, fur. It has a natural gleam to it at any hour of the day. His mane is large and full, covering nearly all of his upper body. It is ebony at the bottom, but gets slightly lighter and golden right around his face and head.
Achak has fiery brown eyes. They aren't exactly amber, but are close to it. They are dark enough to hide his feelings and thoughts. But he will sometimes soften them.
Achak was born into a great pride. The leader, his father, was a good leader. But he had a dark side, and that's what he put forth to his pride. The pride was punished and beaten by his wrath. Expecially Achak. And once he was old enough to catch a baby gazelle, he was thrown out.
Achak was left to discover the world alone. Luckily, he had sense. Achak knew that his father's ways were wrong after watching some of the other prides. Achak swore to himself that he would never become like that.
Then, Achak meant a female. Her name was Moon, and Achak loved her dearly. She became his queen, and soon, the male had a pride. His pride was well-organized and healthy. Until The Lurch...
After the world pulled itself and all different enviroments together, Achak's pride was left to starve. The prey had ran. But Achak had a will to live, and it paid off. He managed to survive in this new land.
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